This is our Christmas dicks “Bag of Dicks” package.
People don’t stop being dicks just because it’s Christmas, in fact some become bigger dicks. This package is perfect if you cant think what to send someone and they appreciate a joke. This package is OK for male or female recipient.
Send a bag of dicks to anyone you want totally anonymously but with a Christmas message. This message can contain your name and/or their name if you wish.
The message will read “Merry Christmas to the person who has everything. Eat a bag of Dicks” Or “Merry Christmas (persons name). Eat a bag of Dicks“.
Price is inclusive of delivery within Australia and is displayed in AUD Australian Dollars. (you can order from anywhere in the world).
You will need to tell us what message you want to send.
This needs to be done at checkout in the “Order Notes” box.*
This is at the bottom of the delivery address details form.
*If you miss this step, we will use the first message. We do not contact you in case your recipient is close.
You can send more than one bag of Dicks, in the same package with one message. Just enter 2 or more items to your cart.
The product sent is Jelly Willies. The envelope will have a Christmas logo and print in regular font. We will also write “not to be opened till Christmas day”. You will know from tracking when it is there, if you want them to open it early we can put the date. They will not know who it is from though.
If you have a custom Christmas message message, please let us know.
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