Legal Dick Stuff


Send a Dick Dick’s products are a joke, and are intended to be sent in good fun. By purchasing our products, you agree that you are not using them to threaten, harass, defame, bully, or intimidate the recipient, or for any improper, unlawful or objectionable purpose.

If your intention is to Bully or Harass then you are the dick.  Don’t be a dick. Senders and recipients must be at least 18 years old.

We reserve the right to reject any order for any reason at our discretion.

You agree to indemnify Send A Dick Dick’s staff, management and all people associated with us from any liability or debt that may be incurred as a result of your purchase. If the recipient is offended and decides to sue you, they are sueing you, not us.  We are just a shop that supplies a product. Send A Dick Dick’s liability to you is limited solely to the price of any product purchased if it is deemed faulty in any way or damaged in transit by Dick-mail.

Do not send our products to anybody who is under 18.  If it gets back to us, we will release your details to any government authority who is asking for them, or their parents (even worse).

It is not recommended to send these products to anybody who is in a position of government or law enforcement, as they may have the power to find out who you are, and make your life hard (pun intended). We will protect all of our customers details as well as the recipients details.  Send a Dick Dick’s will not share or release your information to any other company without your permission.

Finally, by purchasing anything, you are releasing us and anybody associated with us from any liability that may occur as a result of the transaction.

Richard P. Ness.
Cockle Lane,
Bald Knob.

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